Have you always wanted to get bees, learn about the art of beekeeping, and are between the ages of 12 and 18? This is the opportunity for you! Youths that live in Brown County, Ohio and the surrounding counties are eligible for a youth hive, education, and materials to begin your beekeeping. To see the application, eligibility requirements, and criteria, click here or use the Youth Hive Tab at the top of this page.
Once completed, the application can be sent electronically to: contact.us.bcba@gmail.com.
All applications are due by the end of the the March meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers Association, March 11, 2025. The finalists will be selected and notified prior to the March bee club meeting. Selected applicants will receive all the equipment, tools, and bees needed to establish a beehive. Applicants will be required to provide their own personal protective equipment.
All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the January 14, 2025, program on “An Introduction to Beekeeping”. The program will at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Western Brown High School. The Community Room is located on the northwest side of the school across from the tennis courts. In this presentation the equipment, tools and procedures required to get started in beekeeping will be covered. Applications for the scholarships will be available and completed applications can be dropped off at this time.