The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet February 14 at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts. At 6 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will be, ” A Winter Inspection/Spring Preparation of Your Hive”, presented by Kevin Jones, owner and operator of HappBee Acres bee supplies of Batavia , Ohio. This program will cover evaluating your hive right now and how you can prepare it for the upcoming spring weather.
Each year the club awards several ” Youth Hive Scholarships” . These scholarships provide equipment and mentoring to educate youth in the art of beekeeping and to promote a better understanding of honeybees to our environment. To be eligible for these scholarships you must be between the ages of 12 and 18; a resident of Brown County or an adjoining county; enrolled in grades 7 through 12, and have permission from parent or guardian to maintain a beehive. Scholarship applications will be available at this meeting or may be downloaded from this website.