” Successfully Overwintering Your Hive”, With winter soon approaching, now is the time to prepare your hive for the colder months ahead. September 12 at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts. The educational program will be presented by Jamie Walters, the Maumee Valley Regional Representative of the Ohio State Beekeepers Association. It is a Zoom presentation, our first at the Western Brown Location.
At 6 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The Club will provide snacks.
The educational program will begin at 7 p.m. followed by our business meeting.
If you haven’t already- please sign up for spots on the schedule to help at the Fair Booth! You may do so at the meeting or sign up on our online site- https://signup.com/go/ kUKQSpJ
Bring your bee related items to be included in our Silent Auction, including the basket items to the September meeting so Shirley has time to assemble the baskets before the fair. Enter the Open Honey Show! Alex Zomchek will be our honey judge this year.
ARTIST NEEDED! As you all know one of the popular items in our fair silent auction is the decorated hive. Bill Steelman’s niece was kind enough to decorate one for us last year, and she is doing another single deep box for us this year in addition to a quilt! Bill provided the box for her to paint and Danny Grant this year donated the additional items to make it a complete hive, less the frames.
George Anderson of the Clermont County House of Honey and GM Bee Farm was kind enough to donate this year a double deep hive, less the frames. So we currently have a double deep hive that could use some art work to make it more appealing. Gary has it assembled and will have it painted white in a couple of days. Any aspiring artists out there?
As some of you may know, what was Chatfield College here in Brown County is currently in transition to a learning center called the Chatfield Edge. They are open to having a variety of educational programs at the center, perhaps beekeeping! Several years ago, when it was the college, they had a ” Summer Enrichment Program” and for a couple of years we taught a six week program on beekeeping there. It was the most popular class among the Summer Enrichment Programs. The club has been asked to be a part of The Chatfield Edge Fall Festival on Saturday
October 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This should be a good fit for the club since there will be other hobbyists there including quilting and other crafters. There will also be a classic car and bike show on the grounds. This will be an opportunity to sell honey and bee related products including bee craft items that you might be interested in selling. Who would like to help me on that Saturday? Additionally, this would give us an opportunity to perhaps have some bee programs at the school. It is a beautiful campus.
Please give Gary Keuffer a call if you can help with the artwork on the hive ( 937-379-2048)