Fun, Food, and Fellowship Meeting Nov 12th- Last Meeting of 2024

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet Tuesday November 12 at the Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts.

We will be holding Officer elections for 2025

This is a potluck social meeting, so no education program is scheduled.  Be sure to bring a dish to share!

At 6 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The November meeting is the last meeting of the year, so we reserve this time for our ” Fun, Food and Fellowship” event. Those attending are asked to bring a light snack to share with others and a bee related item to enter into the end of year raffle. Funds from the raffle help to cover our yearly expenses. The club will resume our monthly meetings on
February 13, 2025.
A special meeting will be held on January 9, 2024, in the Western Brown High School Community Room for individuals interested in beekeeping. The program, ” An Introduction to Beekeeping”, will
discuss what’s required to get started in beekeeping. Handout material on beekeeping will also be available at this time.

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