Honey Extraction Demo
We had a great day at Berger Farms learning the extraction process
Upcoming opportunities for education regarding everything beekeeping
We had a great day at Berger Farms learning the extraction process
Please let your friends know that our Education Director Gary Keuffer will be at the Brown County Ohio Fayetteville Public Library located at 406 N East St, Fayetteville, OH 45118 at 6 pm to present information as an Introduction to Beekeeping. Please Contact the Library for Registration Information 513-274-2665
As discussed at our May meeting Kevin and Liz Jones of HappBee Acres 513-918-1042 are hosting our first Brown County Beekeepers field day of 2021 from 10-2pm on 5/22 at 2694 Bergen Rd, Batavia, OH 45103. The location is off Rt 50 near Owensville. Bring your Veils and other gear…
The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet on May 11th, at the Rhonemus Hall located on the Brown County Fairgrounds in Georgetown, Ohio. At 6:00 PM, club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 PM followed by our…
The next meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers will be held as usual on the second Tuesday of the month, March 9th in Rhonemus Hall at the Brown County Fairgrounds in Georgetown. Informal discussion and pick up of items ordered from Kevin and Liz Jones of Happbeeacres.com begins at 6pm. If…
Our club has been asked to be a part of a new Pilot Program provided by the OSBA, which has been dubbed the “Beginner Beekeeper Internship”. This program will offer a regular reoccurring webinar providing new beekeepers with the educational tools needed to become a successful beekeeper, through the power of…
Due to the current situation in the State as it pertains to the Coronavirus. This Monday’s scheduled “Introduction to Beekeeping” class hosted by the Clermont County Library and present by our Education Coordinator Gary Keuffer has been changed to a Virtual Program. Signup now at http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsExtended.cfm?SiteID=5338&EventID=423775&PK= and join the Zoom…
Saturday’s education field trip was a resounding success, providing ample learning opportunities and visual aids. Education Coordinator Gary Keuffer facilitated a show and tell format with many veteran club members providing insights and demonstrating equipment they personally utilize. While instructing on the correct way to perform a full hive inspection,…