Field Day on 6/1

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will sponsor a Field Day in the Dresel Apiary on Saturday, June 1, at 10AM. Our basic agenda will be two-fold: 1) Fundamental Hive Inspection and the Beekeepers Calendar, and 2) Splits, Nucs, and Elementary Backyard Queen Rearing. Throughout the day, the club will address…

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Next Meeting 10/10/23

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet October 10 at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts. At 6:00 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at…

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March Meeting =SWARMS!!

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet March 14 at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts. At 6:00 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping, The educational program will begin at…

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