Pollinator Film December 11th
Gary Keuffer will be presenting this program at the Batavia Branch of the Clermont County Library. Pre-registration is required by calling 732-2128. What is required to get started in beekeeping? Attend the the hour long presentation and find out!
The Next meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers Association held at the Western Brown High School in Mt. Orab, will be at 7pm on Oct. 8. The topic will be Optimizing Pollination with Native and Honey Bees. We all understand the importance of all bees to the ecosystem because of…
Brown County Beekeepers will meet on June 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Southern Hills Joint Vocational District Office. Billy Miller an organic Gardner/Beekeeper will present a program about Natural Sustainable Beekeeping. Mr. Miller has incorporated various techniques from successful beekeepers around the world. He promotes chemical free methods of producing queens…
The next meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers will be held at Western Brown H.S. in Mt. Orab on Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00pm. Tim Arheit from Ohio State Beekeepers Association will present on Hobbyist Queen Rearing Get your swarm traps out there! Free bees for all!!
10th Annual Northeastern Kentucky Beekeeping School Beginner and advanced course work available February 23, 2019 at the Maysville Community and Technical College 1755 U.S. Highway 68, Maysville, KY 41056 www.maysville.kctcs.edu Hosted By: Licking River Beekeepers Association Visit Facebook for Class Schedule and Updated Information and see the flyer below. 10th…
Could Mushrooms be the secret catalyst to the revitalization of Bees. A study by Washington State University (WSU) entomology professor Steve Sheppard recently posted on Newsweek suggested the possibility. Here is the article https://www.newsweek.com/mushrooms-may-save-bees-how-anti-viral-property-may-give-homeowners-chance-1157008
The guest speaker for our October 9th meeting will be Shula Woodworth, The Honeybee Nanny. Shula is originally from Suffolk, England and will discuss her journey in becoming a beekeeper as well as her practices of ‘‘Natural and Sustainable Beekeeping”. Shula makes a variety of products from, soaps and shampoo…