Category: Uncategorized
Join us at the Brown County Fair in Georgetown!
The 2018 Brown County Fair begins September 24th and runs through the 29th. Our booth is located in the Whalen Building where we will have an observation hive and a display of prize winning honey. Local honey will be offered for sale as well as educational material provided for the…
September 11th Meeting 7pm
The September Meeting will be held at Western Brown High School in Mt. Orab. Our Education program will feature Hongmei Li-Byarlay, a Professor at Central State University. The presentation is: ‘‘Research In Honeybee Behavior And Genetics” One of the fundamental questions in behavioral biology is how does the molecular composition…
Local Honey For Sale
Queens Available at the next meeting
Our August 14th speaker, Tim Arheit, operates the Honey Run Apiaries in Delphos, Ohio, which sells a variety of products. Their website is Tim informed us that he will have about 30 queens for sale that week. The breed is New World Carniolan. The cost is $30.00 each. If you would be interested…
Tips on Locating Queens
Queen Rearing Workshop July 21st and 22nd
School House Bees is hosting a two-day workshop on queen rearing. The sessions will be led by Jaime Walters, awarded Ohio Beekeeper of the Year by the Ohio State Beekeepers Association. The workshop includes class room presentations, one on one instruction and field work in our hives. Enrollment is limited to…
Summer meeting Speakers June 12th, July 10th and August 14th
Our guest speaker June 12th will be Jim Coss. Jim is the owner of The Honey and Bee Connection a beekeeping supply business located in Morehead, Kentucky. Jim’s program will be, ‘‘The Seasonal Management of Your Hive-What A Good Hive Should Look Like During Each Seasonal Period”. If you would…
Summer Meeting Location June 12th 7PM
The Brown County Beekeepers will meet on June 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office of Southern Hills Career & Technical Center. The Southern Hills Career & Technical Center is located at 9193 Hamer Road in Georgetown. Remember this is our meeting location for June, July & August.
Extracting demonstration
At the next meeting on May 8th a Honey extraction demonstration will be given. Join us for a step by step walk through of the process. Best practices and common mistakes will be discussed. We look forward to seeing you there.