Bragging Rights Until the NEXT Fair!!!

Congratulations to the 2023 Open Honey Show Winners:
LIGHT- 1st Mark Roberto
             2nd Robin Sizemore
             3rd Kelly Morse
AMBER- 1st Linda Rhonemus
               2nd Kelly Morse
               3rd Mark Roberto
DARK-  1st Tom House
             2nd Bill Steelman
             3rd Adam Morris
Many thanks to Alex Zomchek for being our Judge extraordinaire again this year!

Next Meeting 10/10/23

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet October 10 at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts.

At 6:00 p.m. members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping.
The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will be presented by Tony West, owner and operator of the Appalachian Heirloom Plant Farm and Apiary located in Winchester, Ohio. His program of ” A Year In My Apiary”, will be a review of the practice and procedures you may have followed this year in maintaining your hive and how successful you were in doing these tasks.

Seeking Volunteers for the Brown County Fair Booth 9/24 to 10/1

We are in need of Volunteers to staff the booth- you may do so here

There is a list of all available spots, plus set up and break down days of the booth itself.

Sign up for the parade from 4:30 to 6:00 on Monday and help Sling candy! You can sit on the tailgate if you don’t feel like walking the route.

We will be accepting Open Honey Show Entries on Sunday the 24th from 12-2 at our booth location in the Whalen Merchants Building- Join the fun and earn Bragging Rights for the YEAR!


The 2023 Brown County Fair runs from Monday 9-25 to Saturday 9-30. Setup and teardown are both Sundays the 24th of September  and the 1st of October. This year we are using to manage the schedule.

If you wish to enter the Open Honey Show please bring your classic 1# jar of honey on Sunday the 24th to the Whalen Merchant’s building from noon to 2pm. Purchase of a season pass is required for entry.

We are seeking volunteers to help with education outreach and selling honey. Fair passes are $30 and daily admission is $10.

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp


We will have many items in our Silent Auction so please come by and see us!!

August Meeting 8.8.23 Potluck/Carry In

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet on August 8th at the Brown County Educational Service Center located at 9231-B Hamer Rd., Georgetown,  Ohio. At 6 p.m.

Club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping.
Please bring a dish to share at the meeting.
The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will be presented by Jim Coss, owner and operator of The Honey and Bee Connection of Morehead, Kentucky. Have a question on beekeeping? Have a tip or trick on beekeeping that you would like to share? This program titled, “Ask Jim”, is the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with other beekeepers in an informal manner. Please bring any tool or device that you have found useful in your beekeeping task to share its use with the membership.

Brown County has a New Bee Inspector!

Please welcome BCBA member Scott Phillips to the position of Brown County Bee Inspector. State Apiarist Barb Bloetscher stated at our last meeting that “he will make a great inspector and really knows his stuff!”

Scott  Phillips 937-779-9787 please  phone/text or email

I am looking forward to making the rounds.  If anyone has an urgent need for me to come by, please let me know and I’ll do my best to move them to the front of the list.

July 11th Meeting

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet on July 11th at the Brown County Educational Service Center located at 9231-B Hamer Rd., Georgetown, Ohio. At 6:00 p.m.,

club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping.
The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will be presented by Jamie Walters, the Maumee Valley Regional Representative of the Ohio State Beekeepers Association. His program will be on “Monitoring for Sustainability”. This program will cover what to look for to sustain a strong healthy hive.

Next Meeting May 9th

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet May 9th at Western Brown High School’s Community Room located on the western side of the school across from the tennis courts.

At 6:00 p.m.members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will be, ” Tips and Tricks to Extract Your Honey”, presented by Kevin and
Liz Jones, owners and operators of HappBee Acres in Batavia, Ohio. In Southern Ohio, late June usually provides the opportunity for beekeepers with established hives to extract their early spring honey. Kevin and Liz will share with us what equipment, tools and techniques work best in accomplishing this task.
Each meeting finishes up with a raffle of items donated by members, any bee related item is welcome as a donation.

CALL   937-483-1244 FOR SWARM REMOVAL!!!

Call 937-483-1244 and have pictures ready! The person retrieving the Swarm needs to know where it is located and how long they have been there. Swarms may move on when left alone. Remember they are EXTREMELY gentle in swarm mode and don’t need to be bothered or disturbed just leave them BEE until we can arrive.

Swarming is a natural behavior for their survival.