Volunteer Opportunities for Travel with the OSBA

OSBA Delegate Positions to HAS, EAS and ABF – Apply Now!
OSBA now has defined the responsibilities for the OSBA American Beekeeping Federation Representative, OSBA
Eastern Apiculture Society Representative, and OSBA Heartland Apiculture Society Representative. Although the original committee tasked with creating the duties and responsibilities for the OSBA delegates did not complete the task,
other board members stepped up to complete the job in order to provide OSBA with a voice in the regional and national
These positions are annually renewed positions by OSBA. Representatives / Delegates are to learn from their role as a
Representative /Delegate, and to share their educational experience with the OSBA Board, and Ohio beekeepers.
• OSBA members in good standing may complete an application to be considered as the OSBA
Representative or Delegate to ABF, HAS, and EAS.
• The OSBA Nominations Committee will review all applications; interview the applicants via telephone and/or in person, and provide written recommendation to the OSBA Board for a Representative/Delegate to ABF/HAS/EAS.
• One applicant will be appointed by the OSBA Board for each of the entities (ABF, HAS, EAS).
• One individual may not serve as a Representative or Delegate to more than one association (ABF,
HAS, EAS) at the same time.
• The positions for Representative and Delegate to EAS, HAS, and ABF are renewed annually via
an open application process. The Nominating Committee should seek nominations in the third
quarter of each year.
• There is a lifetime limit of three years for each position.
Expectations of each Representative/Delegate to ABF/HAS/EAS:
• Serve on at least one committee as the OSBA Representative for ABF, EAS, or HAS;
• Participate on regular conference calls –schedule to be determined by EAS, HAS, and ABF for the
Delegates/Representatives; Provide written updates to the board about the meetings;
• Volunteer at the respective conference for ABF, HAS, or EAS as a member of their committee;
• Attend conference workshop sessions and provide a written report of each session for publication
in the OSBA Newsletter.
• For ABF the Delegate must be willing to sell raffle tickets for the Honey Queen Program during the
• For the EAS Representative, an auction basket representing Ohio hive products must be compiled
(paid for by OSBA) and with the approval of the OSBA Executive Committee;
• Other duties per ABF/HAS/EAS Representative/Delegate job descriptions
For more detailed information, please visit our website at: www.ohiostatebeekeepers.org/volunteer-opportunities/
If you are interested in representing OSBA as either an ABF, HAS, or EAS Representative, contact the OSBA Nominating Committee: nominating@ohiostatebeekeepers.org


Holiday Pot Luck-7PM Nov. 12 @ Western Brown HS in Mt. Orab

The next  Brown County Beekeepers meeting will be held Tuesday, November 12, 2019.  This is our Annual Pot Luck Holiday Social, and our final meeting of the year.  We will be voting on Club officers for 2020. Please consider bringing donations of items to raffle or a dish to share, anyone doing so will receive a free raffle ticket for one of the fabulous items such as the item below from mymetalsigns.com

OSBA 18 Inch Honey Bee Embossed Metal Sign

7PM 10/8 Mt. Orab HS

The Next meeting of the Brown County Beekeepers Association held at the Western Brown High School in Mt. Orab, will be at 7pm on Oct. 8. The topic will be Optimizing Pollination with Native and Honey Bees.

We all understand the importance of all bees to the ecosystem because of their ability to pollinate a wide variety of plants, trees and shrubs which provide food for us and wildlife. This program will focus on ways to maximize native bee populations while protecting managed honey bees in order to optimize their pollination effect. We’ll also cover strategies to boost crop yield in situations where honey bees are managed to increase yields.

Amanda Bennett has co-owned Sweet Sisters Honey with her sister since 2012 in Tipp City, Ohio. They manage somewhere from two to six hives each year. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 she has traveled the state teaching about pollinators, beekeeping, native habitats and plants, and bees.

Join us at the Brown County Fair! 9/23 to 9/28

Observation Hive

Our booth will be located in the New Merchants Building at the Brown County Fair.We will have an observation hive and many bee related items for sale, most importantly, LOCAL HONEY raised by local bees and harvested by our club members. If you have further questions don’t hesitate to contact us. Stop by to view the Open Honey Show winning entrys and pick up literature about bees and pollinator habitats.

Meetings Resume in Mt. Orab Sept. 10th at 7 pm, Western Brown H.S

The educational program for our September 10th meeting will feature Kevin Hale, of Hale’s Honey, Wellington, Ky. His program for the evening will be on queen bee management, in a program titled:

“Managing The Queen in the Hive, Not the Bees for Success”.
Points to be covered are, queen selection; what makes a good queen and when and how to re-queen successfully.

Next Meeting August 13, 2019

The guest speaker for our August 13th meeting will be Terry Lieberman-Smith, President of the Ohio State Beekeepers  Association. Her presentation that evening will be, “Preparing Your Honey for Judging”. With the fair a little more than one month away, those entering honey in the competition, will want to be sure to attend this presentation, especially since Terry will once again be our judge for the September 23rd event. Who better than the judge to provide you with the information that may allow you to win a ribbon at this year’s Brown County Fair!