Join us at the Brown County Fair! 9/23 to 9/28

Observation Hive

Our booth will be located in the New Merchants Building at the Brown County Fair.We will have an observation hive and many bee related items for sale, most importantly, LOCAL HONEY raised by local bees and harvested by our club members. If you have further questions don’t hesitate to contact us. Stop by to view the Open Honey Show winning entrys and pick up literature about bees and pollinator habitats.

Meetings Resume in Mt. Orab Sept. 10th at 7 pm, Western Brown H.S

The educational program for our September 10th meeting will feature Kevin Hale, of Hale’s Honey, Wellington, Ky. His program for the evening will be on queen bee management, in a program titled:

“Managing The Queen in the Hive, Not the Bees for Success”.
Points to be covered are, queen selection; what makes a good queen and when and how to re-queen successfully.

Next Meeting August 13, 2019

The guest speaker for our August 13th meeting will be Terry Lieberman-Smith, President of the Ohio State Beekeepers  Association. Her presentation that evening will be, “Preparing Your Honey for Judging”. With the fair a little more than one month away, those entering honey in the competition, will want to be sure to attend this presentation, especially since Terry will once again be our judge for the September 23rd event. Who better than the judge to provide you with the information that may allow you to win a ribbon at this year’s Brown County Fair!

HB 392

A bill that would protect beekeepers from liability for stings has passed the Ohio House.

Rep. Dick Stein of Norwalk sponsored HB 392, and says it would not only help beekeepers avoid expensive lawsuits, but also would allow for the state to track specific hives.

“They need to register their hive with the Ohio Department of Agriculture so that they have an awareness throughout the state of where all the hives are located,” Stein said. “So when they’re trying to study colony collapse or other issues with mites or diseases, they can use that to maybe help with trends and patterns in certain localities.”

To benefit from the bill, the beekeepers will have to prove that they are complying with best practices and local zoning laws.

Stein is an amateur beekeeper himself, and his brother owns 700 hives.

The bill now moves on to the Senate.

7/9/19 Meeting 7pm

Our guest speaker on July 9th will be Jim Coss, owner and operator of The Honey and Bee Connection, Morehead, Kentucky. If members are in need of any bee equipment or supplies please contact Jim and he can bring the items to the July 9th meeting, saving the cost of shipping.

Jim can be reached at 606-784-3108. The educational program on July 9th will feature Jim answering questions you may have about your beekeeping experiences. Whether they were successes or failures, please be prepared to share them with the membership so that we can all benefit from your experiences. This is what the club is all about, learning from each other.
Remember our summer meeting location is  Southern Hills CTC 9193 Hamer Rd, Georgetown, OH 45121

OSBA Fall Conference Lineup Nov. 2, 2019

We are pleased to share the following information with you regarding the speaker line-up for the OSBA 2019 Fall Conference:

National Speakers/Authors:
Kirsten Traynor

Erin MacGregor-Forbes

Dr. Reed Johnson

Dawn Combs


Regional Speakers/Authors:

Jay Heselschwerdt

Andrew Connor

Shannon Trimboli

OSBA Traveling Speaker- ADK

Accounting Specialist- TBA

As in years past the conference will be held at the Ohio Tolles Career Center

7877 US Hwy 42 S

Plain City, OH 43064

Meeting to be held June 11th

Brown County Beekeepers will meet on June 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the Southern Hills Joint Vocational District Office.
Billy Miller an organic Gardner/Beekeeper will present a program about Natural Sustainable Beekeeping.  Mr. Miller has incorporated various techniques from successful beekeepers around the world.  He promotes chemical free methods of producing queens and honey which are appropriate for the backyard beekeeper.  Please join us for an informative meeting.

Beekeeping and Pollinators Classes with Gary Keuffer

Chatfield College Summer Enrichment Program-“Beekeeping and Pollinators”
This six week program will be held from June 5th thru July 10th on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.
Course Description: Topics to be covered through, lecture, PowerPoint presentations, and handout material include: The importance of pollinators; an introduction to beekeeping; Beehive selection; Seasonal management of beekeeping; Gardening for pollinators; Swarm traps and removing bees from trees and structures.
The cost of the course is $40.00.


20918 State Route 251
St. Martin, OH 45118
(513) 875-3344