February Meeting Tues. 2/8 March meeting WED 3/9

February Topic- ” Winter Feeding Bees”. With the mild winter so far, I’m sure a lot of hives have been out and about consuming lots of energy and eating more honey than normal. There could be a lot of winter starvation this year. OSBA Beekeeper of the Year Gary Keuffer will discuss the when, why and how of winter feeding.

March speaker will be Dwight Wells
Dwight’s passion is promoting sustainable beekeeping. This creates low over-wintering losses, mentoring, and educating beekeepers. Dwight currently works on several projects focusing on on feral honey bees with both Penn State University and Purdue University. The focus on the studies involve chasing feral swarms with swarm traps, then evaluating the chewing behavior of the feral colonies. In 2019, Dwight started a project to distribute 48-hour queen cells, mature queen cells, or unmated queens within the Heartland Honey Bee Breeder Cooperative (HHBBC) region.

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