The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet Wednesday March 9 at the Western Brown High School’s Community Room. Our March meeting will be on Wednesday the 9th due to a scheduling conflict with the room we normally use.
At 6:00 p.m. club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by our business meeting.
The educational program will feature Dwight Wells discussing, ” Feral Bee Swarm Trapping; Their Care and Management”. The program will cover the equipment required and the best practices for trapping feral bee swarms.
Dwight acquired his first bee hive at the age of fourteen as part of a 4-H project. He is currently a board member on a wide variety of bee organizations in the midwestern area, and most recently
helped to establish, the ” Ohio Queen Bee Improvement Project”. This project is seeking local feral bees that have developed mite biting behavior, which has allowed the bees to kill varroa mites,
which in recent years have been very detrimental to honey bees. Currently, beekeepers must use a wide range of products to keep the varroa mite infestation in check. Come and learn how you can help in developing a new generation of honey bees!