Next Meeting April 12th

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet April 12 at the Western Brown High School’s Community Room. At 6:00 p.m. club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by our business meeting. The educational program will…

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Introduction to Beekeeping moved to a Virtual Program

Due to the current situation in the State as it pertains to the Coronavirus. This Monday’s scheduled “Introduction to Beekeeping” class hosted by the Clermont County Library and present by our Education Coordinator Gary Keuffer has been changed to a Virtual Program. Signup now at and join the Zoom…

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A Great Educational Field Trip

Saturday’s education field trip was a resounding success, providing ample learning opportunities and visual aids. Education Coordinator Gary Keuffer facilitated a show and tell format with many veteran club members providing insights and demonstrating  equipment they personally utilize. While instructing on the correct way to perform a full hive inspection,…

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Webinar Training from OSBA   Who will be presenting? Aug 9 – Dr. Jay Evans, USDA – Tackling Disease issues at the USDA-ARS Bee Research Laboratory  REGISTRATION Aug 23 – Danae Wolfe, OSU Ed Tech – Macro Photography Sept 13 – Carmen Conrad – Wax Rendering Sept 27 – Mike Retterer, OPHI – Planting Forage for Pollinators Oct…

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