Meeting Tuesday 7/13/21

The Brown County Beekeepers Association will meet on July 13th, at the Rhonemus Hall located on the Brown County Fairgrounds in Georgetown, Ohio. At 6:00 PM, club members will be available to answer questions and share information on beekeeping. The educational program will begin at 7:00 PM, followed by our business meeting.

The educational program will be presented by Billy Miller, who will discuss, ” Swarm Trapping and
Top Bar Hive Maintenance”. Billy is a practitioner of ” Sustainable Natural Beekeeping”. Billy is a volunteer at the Strafford Ecological Center, which is an organic farm near Delaware, Ohio. His
work at the center includes maintaining four top bar hives and assisting with twenty Langstroth hives. Additionally, Billy mentors new beekeepers and provides beekeeping educational programs for all age groups.

How well did your swarm traps perform this year? Billy will share with us what’s required to successfully trap swarms. He will have several traps that he uses available for sale at $50.00 each at the meeting.

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