Introduction to Beekeeping Classes

Honey bees, which are an essential part of our ecosystem, need your help. In recent years, a
number of causes have contributed to the large loss of honey bees. Some of the causes listed are:
Parasitic mites; viruses; pesticides; poor genetics and the loss of habitat. All of these factors have contributed to the decline of both feral bees as well as those maintained in bee hives.
Each of us can help the loss of honey bees in our own way. Gardeners can plant a wide variety of plants, shrubs and trees that are beneficial to all pollinators. The everyday citizen can help the
honey bee by supporting your local bee community, the Brown County Beekeepers Association.
How about becoming a beekeeper?

OSBA Beekeeper of the Year Gary Keuffer will be holding “Introduction to Beekeeping” Classes on the following Dates :

November 5th, 2022, at 10:00 AM, the Felicity Branch of the Clermont County Library.

November 19th, 2022, at 10:00 AM, the Sardinia Branch of the Brown County Library.

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